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Friday, April 8, 2011

Paintball--My First Game

Back in April of 2009, I got the opportunity to try paintball with a couple close friends. I accepted the invitation and on the next Saturday we went to True Paintball Adventure Park to play. Along with me, there were three others: Sam, Ben, and Gabe. I would say that we got there around 5 PM or a little later. I gave the owner, Jeremy, my signed waiver and he got us set up. We would all be using the simple-to-operate rental Tippmann 98 Custom paintball markers, single-pane goggles, and gravity hoppers.

Jeremy explained the rules to Gabe and I, who had not played before. He went over safety rules (goggles and barrel covers), the basics of the gun, the surrender rule, and other simple rules. After that, he returned to his work, and we went out to select a field. After some debating, we decided to play on the outdoor tactical field. Ben and I started on the parking lot side of the field, with Gabe and Sam near the speedball field. Soon after the game had start, I was shooting wildly at everything, giving Ben cover so that he could move up. Which he did: about ten feet. Then he retreated back to my position. I was still giving him cover fire when I glanced to my right to see him hunkered down next to me. If I hadn't have been wearing a mask, I would have slapped my forehead. Then, Ben got hit in the side of the neck. Instead of exiting the field, he fell over and started crying. Once again, hand-to-forehead connection would have been nice. After more exchanging of shots, I got hit. Then we helped Ben off the field.

After that first game, I was hooked. I knew I had found a sport I could play, without having to be the best player in the world. It was fun, exciting, and intense. By the time we left, it had gotten dark, and we'd resorted to playing on the indoor field. After a lot shooting, fogged goggles, and a nut-shot (sorry Gabe), we ran out of ammo and staggered out to the car, tired, covered in paint, and wanting more.

I was thrilled with the game. It was my new favorite thing. Now, here I am two years later, 100% obsessed with the game. I have my own team, Boise Shield, which I founded in early January of 2011. I have recruited approximately 20 people to the team. We even have our own Code of Conduct. On April 23rd we are playing in a beginner speedball tournament at True Paintball. After that, we've got a scenario game, Drug Wars, that we are hosting. And after that... well... we've got a lot of paintball to play, a lot of people to meet, and a lot of fun times in the near future.

If any of the readers would like more information on my team, please visit our Facebook Page. If you would like to play, and you live in driving distance of Boise, Idaho, send me a friend request on my Facebook Profile and send me a message.

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